Holiday Programs
FISH is pleased to offer a Thanksgiving basket for families and individuals who qualify under the income guidelines. The holiday basket consists of basic foods traditionally served at one's Thanksgiving meal: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables,...and usually a few extras. Christmas Our Christmas program is limited to families with children who qualify under the income guidelines. We provide a Christmas dinner for the family as well as gifts for children up to and including age 17/senior year in high school.
Donations, Needed and Appreciated
Donations of holiday food items and turkeys/hams are greatly needed to create the family holiday baskets for our community neighbors. We are also in need of gifts for younger children and teenagers, giving a hand to Santa. Donations may be dropped off at: FISH/ Friends in Service to Humanity of NW CT 332 South Main Street, Torrington, CT FISH appreciates any and all donations! Application Dates and Times Applications were being accepted from regular clients of our FISH Food Pantry between Mid-October and Mid- November. For help outside of the FISH Holiday Gift program, feel free to call 860-482-7300 and ask for Dan. Communities served for Holiday Assistance: New Hartford, Torrington, Harwinton, Litchfield, Goshen, Morris and Bantam. Applicants must provide the following information: * Proof of residency for all adult household members (current driver's license or recent mail like a utility bill showing name and address) * Social Security card for all children residing in the household * Birth certificates for all the children residing in the household Proof of all household income, to include: * Four recent/consecutive pay stubs (2 if biweekly) * 2023 print out from Social Security * Pension statement * Full print out from DSS if on state assistance * Proof of child support/alimony * Any other income not mentioned above - Unfortunately we cannot accept applications for nieces, nephews, or grandchildren unless the applicant is the legal guardian. If the applicant has legal custody of the child, we require court documents proving custody. - Due to volume of applications, we will only process applications from applicants who have ALL of the information required. - Anyone found to a be applying for Christmas assistance at any other agency (duplicating services) will be removed from our program and will not receive Christmas assistance from FISH. FISH will make every effort to provide a cheerful holiday for those families in need of support. |